Misplaced or improperly maintained trees often cause power outages and can be dangerous when branches come in contact with power lines.
To prevent contact, AES Indiana has a comprehensive tree-pruning, line-clearing program that operates on a 48-month cycle. After the trees are trimmed in a routine trim cycle, AES Indiana crews will haul away the debris.
Emergency line clearance
In emergency situations involving tree trimming, AES Indiana DOES NOT clear away the debris. Emergency trimming situations include after a storm and any time there is tree-to-equipment contact, or where trees are close enough to equipment that an outage is highly likely. The clean-up work is the customer’s responsibility and AES Indiana recommends that customers contact their insurance company to see if they will cover the cost of hiring a clean-up crew.
Vegetation management
We work year-round to prevent existing trees from causing outages or danger to you. We also work with Indy Parks and Recreation and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful to continually plant the right trees in the right places through our Trees for Indy program. Do you have more questions about our comprehensive tree-pruning, line-clearing program? Read our downloadable FAQs on vegetation management near electric lines.
Tree Line USA
Each year from 2004 through 2024, AES Indiana earned the Tree Line USA accreditation from the Arbor Day Foundation. More information about this award.
Remember …
If you see a downed power line, stay away from it and call AES Indiana immediately at 317-261-8111.