AES Indiana is focused on accelerating cleaner, more efficient and cost-effective energy solutions for our more than 500,000 customers.

Air quality
AES Indiana is reducing environmental emissions by using a variety of generating resources.

Environmental stewardship
AES Indiana is committed to protecting the environment in which we work and live.

Green customer choices
AES Indiana is powering efforts to support green customer choices.

Power generation
AES Indiana is planning a future that includes increased generation diversity and cleaner, more efficient options.

98% reduction in emissions
AES Indiana's Eagle Valley CCGT plant is one of the cleanest, most efficient natural gas plants ever built.

Battery storage
The AES Indiana Advancion® Energy Storage Array is the first grid-scale battery-based energy storage system (BESS) in the 15-state footprint of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO).

Indy Free Tree
AES Indiana has worked with community partners on Arbor Day to give away 10,000 trees since 2008.