Even more energy saving tips
Warm weather months:
- Turn off unneeded lights and heat-producing appliances.
- Clean or replace cooling system filters every 60 days.
- Clean leaves, debris and obstructions from the air intake side of air conditioner's or heat pump's outdoor compressor unit. (Make sure the central control switch is "OFF" first.)
- Keep windows and doors closed when air conditioning is on.
- Use the bathroom exhaust fan when showering or bathing to help eliminate humidity problems.
- Landscaping can provide shade to your home and significantly reduce your cooling costs.
Cold weather months:
- Clean or replace heating system filters every 60 days.
- Keep fireplace dampers closed, except during use.
- Close and seal crawl space vents and openings.
- Wrap insulation around water heaters and water lines in unheated crawl spaces or basements.
- Apply heat-shrink plastic around the inside of leaky windows.
All year
- Apply caulking and weather stripping around interior garage or exterior basement entry doors, and around exterior door and window frames.
- Install insulated draperies or blinds around large windows.
- Keep registers and air vents clear of obstructions.
- Set your thermostat wisely.
Efficient electric appliances save energy and money
- High-efficiency electric heat pumps return up to $3 in heating and cooling for each $1 spent on the electricity to run them.
- Energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps last up to 13 times longer than incandescent light bulbs, using up to 75% less energy.
- Horizontal axis washers clean clothes using up to 66% less water and up to 75% less detergent.
- Electric convection ovens reduce cooking time and cut electricity up to 40%.
- Home automation systems can help lower annual electric bills at up to 30% energy savings.
- The annual cost to charge an electric lawnmower is about $3 less than the cost to use your toaster.
- Geothermal heat pumps can lower energy costs by up to 30% year, and home heating and water heating costs by up to 65% a year.
Source: Edison Electric Institute and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association representing the nation's electric utilities.