Misplaced or improperly maintained trees can cause power outages during severe weather. You can help prevent power outages by using the following guidelines to plant your trees. We also offer a detailed Right Tree, Right Place brochure for you to keep as a reference for future planting.

  • Contact AES Indiana at 317-261-8124 before considering planting near transmission towers or easements. AES Indiana will remove any trees or shrubs that are not compatible with transmission lines.
  • Locate underground power and other utility lines before you dig. Call 811 at least two working days before planting trees. Utility representatives will mark the location of underground lines.
  • Plant trees and shrubs at least 10 feet away from transformer boxes.
  • Plant large trees (those that will become 40 feet tall or more at full maturity) at least 50 feet away from overhead distribution lines. Plant smaller trees (those that will be less than 25 feet tall at full maturity) at least 10 feet away from the lines. These are general guidelines and will not apply in all circumstances.


To avoid future problems, don’t plant trees:

  •     near underground pipe or septic systems
  •     in areas where the tree will dangerously overhang your home
  •     too close to sidewalks, where growth will block street or security lighting or
  •     too close to a door or picture window.


A partial list of compatible trees and shrubs

"Chicago Lustre" Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum "Chicago Lustre")


Mature height 10 ft. X 10 ft. White flowers, red-purple fall color.

"Japanese Snowball' Doublefile Viburnum (Viburnum tomentosum)


Mature height 10 ft. X 10 ft. White flowers, red-purple fall color.

"Summer Snowflake" Doublefile Viburnum (Viburnum plicatum "Summer Snowflake")


Mature height 6 ft. X 6 ft. White flowers. Red winter fruit.

"Cardinal Candy" Viburnum (Viburnum dilitatum "Henneke")


Mature height 8 ft. X 8 ft. White flowers. Abundant scarlet-red fruit.

"Korean Spice" Fragrant  Viburnum (Viburnum carlesii)


Mature height 5 ft. X 5 ft. Fragrant white flowers from pink bud.

"Alleghany" Viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophylloides "Alleghany")


Mature height 10 ft. X 10 ft. Yellowish-white flowers.

Dwarf Alberta Spruce (Picea glauca "Conica")


Mature height 7 ft. X 5 ft. Pyramidal evergreen with bright green spring foliage changing to bluish-green in summer.

 Dwarf Flowering Almond (Prunus glandulosa)


Mature height 5 ft. X 4 ft. Pink spring flowers.

 Dwarf Korean Lilac (Syringa meyeri "Palabin")


Mature height 5 ft. X 5 ft. Violet- purple fragrant flowers in early summer.

"Endless Summer" Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla "Bailmer")


Mature height 5 ft. X 5 ft. Blue-pink flowers re-bloom through growing season.

 Mugo Pine (Pinus mugo)


Mature height 8 ft. X 10 ft. Evergreen with long, green needles and compact form.

"Minnesota Snowflake"  Mockorange (Philadelphus x virginalis "Minn. Snowflake")


Mature height 8 ft. X 5 ft. White fragrant flowers.

Northern Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica)


Mature height 9 ft. X 8 ft. Semi-evergreen with lustrous green foliage.

"Spring Glory" Forsythia


Mature height 10 ft. X 10 ft. Bright yellow spring flowers.

 Purple Leaf Sandcherry (Prunus x cistena)


Mature height 10 ft. X 7 ft. Reddish-purple foliage. Pink spring flowers.

 "Red Prince" Weigela (Weigela florida "Red Prince")


Mature height 5 ft. X 6 ft. Rich green foliage with red trumpet-shaped flowers.


Access to AES Indiana towers, poles and wood structures must be maintained. No trees shall be planted within 10 feet of towers, poles or wood structures.  

  • Trees or shrubs planted in transmission easements that exceed 12' in height or endanger the line will be removed. In some instances low growing species are not appropriate due to grade or structure height.
  • The original grade shall be maintained.
  • AES Indiana prohibits the self-trimming of any trees or shrubs on granted transmission easements.
  • AES Indiana retains all granted easement rights. (Plant at your own risk.)


Prior to planting on transmission line easements, submit a landscape plan for AES Indiana approval. If you have questions regarding a specific site location, please contact our staff arborist at 317-261-8124.