Typical residential customer bill

Bill highlights
1. Your account number
2. Your mailing address
3. Account summary of previous balance, current metered electric charges, any late fees and taxes
4. Message Center offers important account information, energy-saving tips and other news
5. Service address line and service ID of the location(s) where the electricity was used
6. Next meter reading date
7. Your billing rate code
- Explanations are on the back of the bill
8. Residential historical usage section
9. Meter reading detail
10. Service charges summary
- Metered electric charge includes the costs associated with generation and delivery of electricity to your home
- Customer Charge is the fixed monthly fee customers pay for their electric service and covers a portion of the fixed costs of maintaining and keeping customer records active, including data processing, meter reading and billing.
- Other line items, such as taxes and applicable program discounts, will appear here.
11. AES Indiana contact information
12. Payment stub

Back of bill
On the back of your bill, you’ll find additional information including rate code explanations, payment options, contact numbers and customer service hours of operation.