Damage claims
From time to time, forces of nature and other factors can interrupt service and cause damage to a home or business.
In these cases, AES Indiana is not responsible for reimbursing a claim. In many instances, damage is more likely to be covered by a home owner’s policy or another type of insurance policy.
Please note, AES Indiana is not responsible for any damage loss or injury caused by:
AES Indiana evaluates claims on a case-by-case basis in a fair and professional manner.
Determination of any compensatory award is based upon factual detail and in accordance with tariffs and guidelines on file with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).
Continuity of Service (Rule 23.3 and Rule 24.2)
In our “Rates, Rules and Regulations for Electric Service” on file with the IURC, Rule 23.3 states: ”...If the Customer is installing sensitive electronic equipment which requires a continuous power supply, it is his responsibility to provide for this need...” Rule 24.2 states: “The Company shall not be liable for damages resulting to the Customer, or to third persons, from the use of electricity, interruption of service or supply, or the presence of the Company’s property on the Customer’s premises, unless due to willful default or neglect on the part of the Company.”
To file a claim
Download our Damage Claim form below. Please note: The form must be completed by the person filing the claim. For claims greater than $50, be sure to attach any supporting documents such as sales receipts, estimates and invoices to your form submission.
Upon completion of your investigation, an AES Indiana representative will contact you in writing or by phone.

Contact us. We’re here to help.
If you have a question, please call 317-261-8300 or send us an email. If you feel you have suffered a loss related to either of the issues below, please use the contact information next to the issue below:
- Tree trimming: Call 317-261-8128 (AES Indiana does not remove storm debris)
- Disconnecting or reconnecting service, or energy programs: Call customer service at 317-261-8222